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We gather together to walk and grow with one another during the Friday Night programs, Small Groups, Discipleship Groups, Frosh Cell, Prayer Meetings, Praise Nights, and Campus Evangelism. Check out this calendar for our weekly events.



The Friday Night Fellowship

The Friday Night programs are the heart of the UWCCF and the primary way that we gather as a campus ministry. When people refer to CCF, the Friday Night fellowship is what most people are usually referring to. We gather on Fridays to worship God, read and study the scriptures together, pray for one another, and spur each other on in our faith as a large group. We meet on Fridays at 7:00pm in RCH 101/201.


Small Groups (SG)

Small Groups are where we do many of the activities during the Friday Night programs. We start every program together as a large group and then split into small groups for certain activities. Everyone who comes to CCF is put into a small group for the entirety of the term. Inside our SGs we study the word of God together, hold each other accountable, and grow in community with each other. SGs remain consistent over the course of each term dependent on attendance.

If you have any questions, reach out to Iris Choy, Shekinah Tsui, Curtis Kong, or Adam Lam.


Discipleship Groups (DG)

Discipleship Groups are groups of 4-6 people of the same gender that meet outside of the regular CCF Friday programs for times of accountability and discipleship. This is the space for sharing about the most challenging things in our lives and for a group of brothers or sisters to walk with you consistently throughout the term.

If you have any questions, reach out to Iris Choy, Shekinah Tsui, Curtis Kong, or Adam Lam.


Frosh Cell

Frosh Cell is specifically for first year students entering into the University of Waterloo. It is a ministry where frosh can meet others in their year, be integrated into CCF, but most importantly, be challenged together to take their faith seriously. Frosh Cell runs almost as a mini-fellowship within the CCF with bible studies and programs held once a week. Our hope is that those who attend Frosh Cell would also find CCF as their fellowship home.

If you have any questions, reach out to Samuel Zheng or Tobin Tang.


Prayer Meetings

At UWCCF we believe in the power in prayer and in God’s calling for us to be a people of prayer. As a leadership, we are regularly in prayer for all the events and people of CCF. With that being said, come join us for our prayer meetings on Fridays and Sundays.

If you have any questions, reach out to Iris Choy, Shekinah Tsui, Curtis Kong, or Adam Lam.


Campus Evangelism

We believe that we are called to be people that proclaim the Gospel to all peoples including people whom we might not know. There are tens of thousands of people whom we pass by on our campus that need Jesus.  We encourage everyone to join in the Kingdom work in sharing the gospel to those on our campus.

If you have any questions, reach out to Samuel Zheng or Tobin Tang.


Musical Worship Ministry

The people of God have always been a singing people. As such, this ministry, alongside AV, seeks to lead the members of the fellowship in corporate songs of praise, whether that be during the Friday night programs, at retreats, or bi-weekly praise and prayer nights.

If you have any questions, reach out to Erya Xu, Spencer Eng, or Jodi Hui.

Tuesday Oct 5 2021